1. networkjs(1)
  2. networkjs(1)


networkjs - NetworkX clone in JavaScript


networkjs [options ...] <file.csv>
networkjs -s|--source sourceNode ...
networkjs -t|--target targetNode ...
networkjs -w|--weight weightNode ...
networkjs -d|--degree <file.csv> ...
networkjs -b|--betweenness <file.csv> ...
networkjs -e|--eigenvector <file.csv> ...
networkjs -h|--help


NetworkJS is a JavaScript Network Library, heavily inspired by the popular python equivalent NetworkX.

networkjs is a command line tool and it can also be used as a library through npm. For the moment it supports three centrality measures on Graph networks, while the end goal is to have complete coverage over NetworkX api's. It takes an input <file.csv> which should be a comma separated csv file, and performs the calculations based on options.

The --degree,--betweenness and --eigenvector options calculates those measures on the provided dataset. The --help flag displays command line options


The networkjs command expects one valid csv file, which should be comma separated, for example file.csv. This file should contain the edge list of a graph in the format of Source,Target,Weight,..etc or can be provided by individual option flags


These options instruct networkjs to run the centrality measures on the provided dataset :

-s,--source sourceNode

Provide the column name for Source Node. Default value = "Source"

-t,--target targetNode

Provide the column name for Target Node. Default value = "Target"

-w,--weight weightNode

Provide the column name for Weight Node. Default value = "Weight"


Run Degree centrality measure over the given dataset, which is defined as the number of links incident upon a node. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrality#Degree_centrality


Run Betweenness centrality measure over the given dataset, which for a node is defined as the number of times a node acts as a bridge along the shortest path between two other nodes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrality#Betweenness_centrality


Run Eigenvector centrality measure over the given dataset, which calculates the influence of a node in the network. It assigns relative scores to all nodes in the network based on the concept that connections to high-scoring nodes contribute more to the score of the node in question than equal connections to low-scoring nodes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrality#Eigenvector_centrality


Print detailed logs and events


Display command line help usage for the methods available


Provide the dataset csv and run the analysis on them like this :

$ networkjs -d -e -b file.csv -s Source -t Target -w Weight

View the command line usage :

$ networkjs --help

View the man docs of networkjs :

$ man networkjs


NetworkJS is written in NodeJS and hence requires NodeJS >= 0.4.3 to be installed in the system. For any bugs do file an issue to the public repository https://github.com/koustuvsinha/networkjs/issues

NetworkJS is MIT licensed https://koustuvs.mit-license.org/, (C) 2016 Koustuv Sinha http://koustuvsinha.github.io

  1. October 2016
  2. networkjs(1)